My pal, Antti, over on the Wild message boards posted some great shots of Mikko facing off against Saku. This one was my favorite and is totally NOM-worthy (clicky make biggy):Rawr. Thanks, Pat!
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That is a very good pic. You have me totally hooked on him (and a MN player of all things..)
Mikko is like Iginla... you can hate the team, or not care about the team, but you gotta love Iginla.
True, I appreciate the player. I just have a hard time backing his team (two reasons: one - the coyotes can't beat them and two - I'm from Wisconsin, born and raised to hate MN sport teams)
Ohhh Iginla. I do hate him when we play the flames though but only because he is so good!
Totally AWSOME. I've been hooked on Mikko for a long time. He's just got somthing special, beyond being so totally good at hockey.
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