Monday, February 9, 2009

Quick Hits: Nice pond hockey photos; Mikko the Bastard?

The NY Times hockey blog, Slap Shot, is a little hit and miss in terms of covering things that interest me, but occasionally they come up with beauties that remind me why I subscribe to that blog (plus, I just like Stu Hackel, as he was the first to pimp the Ms. Conduct blog nationally).

Anyway, they put together a cool set of photos of people playing hockey outdoors and, while I dearly love Texas--and I really do--I'd love to be able to skate outside on occasion. The notion of just wandering up to a frozen body of water, not having to pay for the time or check schedules or share it with a 50 ankle skaters from the church group du jour... that's totally foreign to me. Ice is something I have to drive to, plan for, pay for, follow rules about what I'm wearing or carrying, etc. Seems quite magical for it to just "be."

Then again, I don't so much like driving or walking on it, so I'm just as quickly back to appreciating what I've got. :)


I'm starting to think that Mikko is kind of a pain in the ass. Watch from the 2:20 mark (or watch the whole thing but at least through that point).


walkinvisible  February 9, 2009 at 4:49 PM  

whuh ?
i think that part's awesome !!!!

if i was a 10 year old kid and some douche was pandering to me like i was 5 i'd be pissed. i think, here, mikko is engaging them in actual "this is what the future holds" moves.... except for that lifty-uppy one. that one's just funny....

elise  February 9, 2009 at 5:06 PM  

They showed a clip of when MK knocks the kid over on FSN the other day and my friend and I rewinded it a couple times, and were like, wait did that just happen?

I hope his competitiveness isn't so bad that he feels the need to beat up small children.

Jon Marthaler  February 9, 2009 at 11:11 PM  

I don't actually know anything about his personality, but I do remember being that age, and I would have traded Christmas presents for a year to have Mikko Koivu pick me up and staple me to the boards.

BReynolds  February 10, 2009 at 12:24 AM  

Oh come on... picking on little kids is what makes life worth living...

As for real, honest to god, natural ice... come visit any time. We seem to like it a bit up here too.

Just remember, real ice is bumpy, chippy, hard to skate on, etc. But damn, if it isn't heaven on Earth, I don't know what is.

Ms. Conduct  February 10, 2009 at 5:43 AM  

You know, you're probably right, Jon.

And I'll say nothing more about a desire for Mikko to staple me to the boards. Rawr.

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