Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sawchuk & Stuff

My hockey reading continues. I am about 2 chapters from being done with the Sawchuk biography after spending the whole flight home reading it yesterday. Just in time, too, as the book of poems about Sawchuk arrived in the mail today.

The biography has been good so far, though I have to admit the descriptions of who passed to whom to score a goal get tedious. I would have had an issue with that if I'd been his editor. But overall, it's been a good read and I feel well prepared and very excited to read Night Work. And it's got a good bibliography with other books I might like to read. Will post a review as soon as I'm done.

Been a bad goalie-in-training this week though. Haven't worked out at all. *cringe* But now I'm home and things should be getting back to regular soon.

We scored tickets to the game tonight, so I'm very excited to see my guys again after nearly a month away from the Toyota Center. They've been doing so well, I'm afraid I'm going to jinx them or something. Ms. Conduct may be laying low so as to fly under the hockey gods' radar. :)

Kassian's been called up. Byers, the face smashing goon, only got a 3 game suspension. I dunno. I just hope we continue to play disciplined hockey and not get so carried away trying to be tough guys. Seems like, as with defense coming before offense, discipline should come before gooneration.

I really wanted to find a time to go skate over the next couple of days, but my lunchtimes are full of meetings and evenings full of hockey. Maybe Saturday afternoon, though it's looking like Coach Stalin and I might play a little driveway hockey Saturday. There is public skate from 1-5 on Sunday though, so maybe then.


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