Quick Hits: Let's Talk About Love; interesting new way in which Clutter is awesome
Mitch has his 15th blog post up today.
I'm not much of a stats/numbers person so this post kinda makes my head hurt, but what I'm getting from it is that in a ratio of penalties drawn to penalties taken, Cal is third in the league in terms of positive contributions by drawing more than he takes.
Am I correct in thinking that's pretty impressive? Or am I just easily impressed? (I realize the two are not mutually exclusive so "both" is an appropriate response.)
UPDATE: Also, Buddha informs me there's a Clutter fan club on Facebook. It's a little odd, but whatever. I'm in.
Another UPDATE: Here's an interview with Cal by my hero Kevin Falness (he starts about 1/3rd of the way in, but go ahead and listen to Scotty's interview first because he's a doll, too). Anyway, kid's tired. Imagine that. I really don't know how even averagely physical guys survive a season in one piece, but especially a wrecking ball type of guy like Cal.
Maybe you should start your own C-buck fan club. Would be way cooler than that one.
And the penalties drawn to penalties taken is one of those new "Moneyball" type stats. Good stuff.
I gotcher fan club right here, baby! Read the blog and you're in.
I have no clue what you're talking about there with a "moneyball type stat"... care to give it to me in crayon?
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