Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Mourning

Friggin' Aeros. Friggin' Ref.

Okay, I'm done. All positive vibes for tonights game. Gooooo AEROS! (Here's something: "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor just came on my iTunes rotation... it's a sign, I tell ya!)

Dan came by last night to tell me how ridiculously loud I am and how shocked he was at that (in a good, proud, hockey-lovin' way, of course). Um yeah. The second penalty on Scotty pretty much sent me over the edge. I often wonder if drinking would make it worse or maybe mellow my ass out a little bit. I've learned from the master though. DH is about as loud a person as I've ever known, even just in normal situations, but especially at hockey. I cannot WAIT to razz Chucko next weekend. I'm practically vibrating with anticipation. Poor Chucko. Heh. God, I love hockey.

Oh. My. Gawd. Now "Don't Stop Believing" is playing. Seriously.

Anyway, looks like Coach Stalin and I are going skating this afternoon. I'm in a much better frame of mind and ready to work hard. Also got "Power Skating" by Laura Stamm in the mail today. Looking forward to reading through it and hopefully picking up some tips that will be helpful in my skating. My legs are finally not feeling as tired as they have been, so that's good. Might hit spinning in the morning (though it's the class that's 15 minutes longer than my usual one, so it might just kill me).

Um. Now it's "I Hate Myself for Loving You"... also quite appropriate, I have to say.

Okay, back to filing bills and tax papers. Real life sucks.


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