Saturday, February 2, 2008

Catching up

So, I did make it to the rink on Friday and got a good skate in. Well, sorta good. I had a lot of trouble establishing my balance and controlling my edges. Only felt like I got in a rhythm a few times; the rest felt shaky and awkward. But I did a LOT of swizzles and feel really good that I have that one down pretty well. Stopping isn't coming along very well, but I know I'll get there with more practice. I was tired and sweaty when I finished, so at the very least, I got a good workout. I guess they can't all be mind-blowing. :)

Went to spinning this morning and it just wasn't great. Underhydrated, tired, tired legs, went out too strong on the second song (Animals by Nickelback, which is my Clutterbuck song and one of my favorites right now) and just kinda shot my wad too early. Oh well. Onward!

Had fun at the Aeros game last night in spite of an overtime loss. Lots of folks seem to think they played badly but I didn't leave angry like I have the prior 4 games, so I'll take that and run. Part of that was razzing the Quad City player, Kris Chucko. I mean, you HAVE to razz that name, and the fact that he's sort of a nasty player anyway... I don't feel bad. Sadly, he won his fight. Cal won the other one though, so that was cool. He's a keeper, that Clutterbuck.

Okay, off to the game!


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